Barak Obama will explain his plan to rescue the economy with three easy payments of $13.33 plus shipping and handling in a pre-paid address tonight on 4 major TV networks.
WASHINGTON -- Clearly devastated by the first loss of his distinguished career, attorney Perry Mason accompanies a grim Alaska Senator Ted Stevens following the guilty verdict in his corruption trial.
WASHINGTON -- Testifying before congress Thursday, former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan did not accept blame for the current economic crisis but did say, "My bad."
SEDONA -- John McCain opens up about his days with the Keating 5, " I don't know why it was such a big deal, we were just a bunch of kids with a dream. But let me tell you one thing my friends, we were real toe tappers."
NEW YORK -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke admit that following Wednesday's Fed rate cut, they no longer have enough lifeboats to rescue the economy. However both say they can accommodate all the bankers in first class.
LOS ANGELES -- OJ Simpson says that having completed his search of every golf course in the country, he should now have better luck finding "the real killers" working from the inside of the federal prison system.
DENVER -- Republican Sarah Palin repeats her claim that Barak Obama is "palling around with terrorists who hate America even more than he does" at a campaign stop in Colorado. The McCain campaign defended the claim saying, "We have all the facts on our website, just click the 'hey look what we just made up' link."