FORT COLLINS, Colo. – Investigators in Colorado are speculating that the runaway balloon at the center of a publicity stunt gone awry may have taken off with Richard Heene's brain. Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden said, "From what we can determine, it appears that Mr. Heene does not have a brain in his head. We cannot at this time verify that he had any brains whatsoever before the balloon incident, but we do know that what is in Richard Heene's head is definitely not brains. It could be pudding, sand, poop, whatever. the fact remains that that man has no brains." Authorities do not plan to mount a search for the missing brain, Sheriff Alderden explained, "It would be like looking for Bigfoot; there just isn't a lot of evidence that the brain exists."
The Heene's stayed out of the media spotlight today, locked inside their house where they are reported working on an entirely new reality show proposal which they've titled: 'I'm In Deep Shit'.