Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Iran Deal Passes the Cheney Test

LARAMIE   Former Vice President Dick Cheney's vehement opposition to the President's Iran nuclear plan has undercut the rest of the Republican party's plan to derail the deal. "History tells us that Dick Cheney never met a bad idea he didn't like. Almost no one bats .1000, but he's done it." said Republican strategy Snip Diddler. "Domestic policy: Katrina, foreign policy: 'we'll be greeted as liberators', economic policy: derivatives and destroying manufacturing. It's actually uncanny, it's like Cheney has a magnetic attraction to awful ideas. The man couldn't recognize sound policy if it were giving him a lap dance."

Republican candidates are clearly uncomfortable when Cheney's name is brought into the Iran deal discussion. A top Republican aide commented off the record, "We really think it's a bad deal, but Dick Cheney's opposition instantly makes it look like it's good for America. It's a tough position."

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