WASHINGTON - Citing "health concerns", reporters keep a safe distance from President Bush & Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as they discuss the details of the Citibank bailout. The press corps has become concerned that the virulent strain of Incompetence carried by Bush, which has clearly infected Paulson, could be extremely contagious. NIH spokesman Benjamin Casey confirmed that President-elect Obama & his wife were inoculated prior to their White House meeting with the Bush's with an experimental vaccine. The drug was made following Vice President Cheney's last medical procedure; a tune up of his Cardio-impersonator. "Cheney has a very aggressive and potent strain of Incompetence - there is no hope for him. However, immunization based on that particular strain of Incompetence should be very effective." Casey noted that the vaccine was made without Cheney's knowledge explaining, "he doesn't like to help humans."
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